marți, 24 martie 2009

Zbor deasupra unui cuib de viespi

Astazi se implinesc 10 ani de cand primele atacuri ale NATO au fost declansate impotriva Iugoslaviei in razboiul din primavara anului 1999. Conflictul a durat 11 saptamani si a fost singurul purtat de NATO pe teritoriul Europei de la infiintare si pana in prezent. Dincolo de motivele invocate (fortarea trupelor iugoslave sa paraseasca provincia Kosovo, incetarea epurarilor etnice de care acestea erau acuzate, pedepsirea lui Slobodan Milosevici pentru crimele de razboi din perioada conflictului sarbo-croat si pentru atitudinea fatisa anti-Vest, etc) raman daunele materiale greu de suportat, si pierderile umane imposibil de contabilizat. Una peste alta, razboiul s-a dovedit a fi unul al erorilor, mai mult s-au mai putin voite. Astfel, desi s-a incercat oprirea unei catastrofe umanitare (prigonirea etnicilor albanezi din Kosovo), cu timpul s-a declansat o alta - exodul sarbilor. In plus, scoli, biserici, poduri, cladiri de locuit (bonus, ambasada Chinei) au fost rase de pe fata pamantului chiar de catre cei care ar fi trebuit sa fie "the good guys". Sa mai amintesc si ca toate astea s-au intamplat in timp ce lumea ortodoxa sarbatorea Pastele?

Romania nu a luat activ parte la acest conflict, punand insa la dispozitia NATO spatiul aerian pentru "situatii neprevazute" (versiunea oficiala data publicitatii mentionase conditia ca atacurile sa nu se desfasoare din directia tarii noastre, ceea ce nu a impiedicat guvernul de la Belgrad sa interpreteze gestul Romaniei ca fiind unul ostil). Alianta anti-iugoslava era formata din tari europene membre NATO, plus Canada si SUA, rolul principal fiind detinut, cum altfel, de SUA, care era, ca de obicei, port-drapelul pacii, democratiei si drepturilor omului in zona. O voce era insa de alta parere - capitanul spaniol de aviatie Martin de la Hoz, pilot pe F/A-18."Hornet". Intors in tara sa el a facut cunoscuta, prin declaratiile sale, presei spaniole, adevarata fata a acestui conflict.

The Spanish pilots of fighter planes admit that NATO attacks civilian targets.

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing raids against Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor as masters of air space. Quite on the contrary, they say that our forces play to the tune of music played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO of having honoured with medals the bombing of civilian targets, what they otherwise name "collateral damages". Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain end of May after having participated in the bombings since the beginning, an "authentic expert for the dreadful F-18", the war plane most often used in the war strategy of "scorched land" in the Balkans, is very categoric: "First of all, I want to make it clear that the majority, I say the majority, of my colleagues, even if not all, are against the war in general and against this war of barbarity in particular." Martin de la Hoz says that he and his colleagues "are burnt out". "Since a few days ago there appeared in the papers certain statements of the commander Maches Michavilla, who is now in the air base at Aviano with the pilots who replaced us, in which he said that that our main helper in the air was the mental and physical health.

But I tell you that our worst enemies are our own authorities, the Defence Minister and all his team, the members of the Government, who know nothing about war and go along with it without informing themselves about anything and, what is gravest, are guilty of lying to the Spanish people through the papers, radio and television, foreign correspondents and press agencies."

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian victims and non-military targets are not the result of war "errors", are confirmed by Captain Martin de la Hoz: "Several times our Colonel protested by NATO chiefs why they select targets which are not military targets. They
threw him out with curses saying that we should know that the North Americans will lodge a complaint by the Spanish Army, once through Brussel and again by the Defence Minister. But there is more, and I want to tell it to the whole world: once there was a coded order of the North
American military that we should drop anti-personnel bombs over the localities of Prishtine and Nish. The colonel refused it altogether and, a couple of days later, the transfer order came. But what I say now is nothing compared to what I shall have to say when the time comes."

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government not only does not try to inform themselves but they also accept the false reports that are edited for them in Aviano, where there is a sort of military press cabinet in the hands of North American generals and functionaries.

Ever since we arrived in Italy - the Captain goes on - there is no end to humiliations and insults. The order givers are only the North American generals, and no one else. We are zeroes, just as our replacements are going to be. But there is still more to that. Here they say that several operations were directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies over lies. All the missions that we flew, all and each one, were planned by US high military authorities. Even more, they were all
planned in detail, including attacking planes, targets and type of ammunition that we have to throw. We never directed anything, and our missions were limited to flying over the borders of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Slovakia."

Government's lies

None of the pilots presently stationed at Aviano, who replaced those who went to the Italian base a little before the start of war, last March 23, were there with clean conscience, says the Spanish military. "It is being written to saturation that the disciplined and patriotic Spanish pilots according to Minister Eduardo Serra - are concentrating on the complexity of their war missions". But we read so many discrepancies, so many lies that we agreed to not read a single newspaper until we return. Our anger is enormous. The President of the Government, the Minister of Foreign Affaires and the Defence Minister are lying brazenly each time
they talk about the war. Some of us are of another opinion and believe they do not inform themselves, because the North Americans - the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Embassy or military information service, whoever, do not inform them about anything. How should they inform themselves if our own Javier Solana has not informed himself since the war broke out? Solana is a puppet who has been put there by the Yankees to do what they tell him he has to do. And so he does, standing straight before General Clark when he talks to him, or better said, when he issues him the orders that he has to implement without delay."

On the subject of manipulation of information about the war, Captain de la Hoz says that "no one has said anything about the incidents that took place in Aviano, about the disastrous maintenance of Spanish machines, about all, and about the constant humiliations to which we were subjected from the beginning. Not that we are cannon fodder. No. We are nothing. About the fatal accidents, the losses suffered withoutconnection to combats, the contempt and sanctions, not a word. From no one!"

For the wrong selection of targets and humiliations the Spanish militaries are ever more certain that there is no alibi. "We know perfectly well that we are intervening in a conflict - says Martin de la Hoz - which is rejected by the majority of the Spanish people and this is most important for us. But what they do not say in any information, commentary or speech, is that the Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese ... that we are there to cover up the North American generals who are dealing and wheeling in the war. There is no journalist who has any slightest idea what is happening in Yugoslavia.

They are destroying the country, bombing it with novel weapons, toxic nervous gases, surface mines dropped with parachute, bombs containing uranium, black napalm, sterilization chemicals, sprayings to poison the crops and weapons of which even we still do not know anything. The North Americans are committing there one of the biggest barbarities that can be committed against the humanity. Much and very bad things will be told in the future about what was happening there, because, by the way, judging by what we talked about with the British and German officers, it was designed in order to divide the Europeans and keep us subjected for many decades.

Therefore, Captain Martin de la Hoz is enraged when there are talks about the costs of the war. There should be no doubts, he confirms that the militaries detached in Aviano are receiving bonuses which "multiply by five our salary, without considering the daily expenses and other perquisites.

We could say that we should be satisfied with what this war means economically for each one of us, but it is not true, what they give us is the chocolate for the parrots. This war is going to cost the Spaniards more than all the money allocated for the culture in the last five years. And how, even if now no one says anything because of the elections, but it will come in a few months and will be felt in our pockets. Because this brutal solely Yankees' war, no one's but Yankees', is going to be paid by all of us. Be sure that what I say is not to exculpate myself and to intone 'mea culpa' for having participated in it, because I will never be able to forget that what was being committed there was one the biggest savageries of history." - Articulo 20, Nr. 30 din 14 Iunie 1999.

Declaratiile incendiare ale ofiterului spaniol nu au avut insa niciun efect. Sa fie aceasta cea mai buna dovada ca ele sunt adevarate? La 10 ani de la incetarea razboiului, "momentul potrivit" se lasa inca asteptat.

Only Women Bleed

Man's got his woman to take his seed
He's got the power - oh
She's got the need
She spends her life through pleasing up her man
She feeds him dinner or anything she can

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don't come home at all
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Man makes your hair gray
He's your life's mistake
All you're really lookin' for is an even break

He lies right at you
You know you hate this game
He slaps you once in a while and you live and love in pain

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don't come home at all
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Black eyes all of the time
Don't spend a dime
Clean up this grime
And you there down on your knees begging me please come
Watch me bleed

Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed
Only women bleed

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mister Alice Cooper:

marți, 17 martie 2009

New Kids On The Rocks

"Eloize". La invitatia unui bun amic am fost sa-i vad ieri seara live in Fire. Pustii au doua calitati: sunt din Giurgiu si sunt excelenti instrumentisti. Au un tobar care mi-a placut de la primele batai auzite si un vocalist de genul celora care si-ar lasa plamanii pe scena cand vor, daca vor. Putin cam jazzy si cam prea Radiohead pentru gusturile mele, dar nu poti sa nu remarci dorinta de a face un lucru de calitate, si la urma urmei vremurile se schimba (chitaristii old school gen Joe Perry sunt din ce in ce mai putini, spre exemplu). Baietii au cantat in deschiderea unei alte trupe, clujenii de la Mushroom Story, mult mai cunoscuti in circuitul underground (si sa fiu sincer nu prea am inteles de ce, pentru ca nu m-au impresionat deloc, dar asta e deja alta mancare de ciuperci) - si se pregatesc de ceva deplasari prin tara, lucru care nu poate sa fie decat benefic pentru ei. Ca sunt bine pusi pe treaba o demonstreaza liniile melodice elaborate si formula de sextet, total neeconomica, dar de natura sa creeze un sound bogat, divers ( 3 chitari, bass, percutie, clape+voce) Ca piese de rezistenta, Rollercoaster - cu care au aparut la TVR, si Hide and Seek. Mi-au placut versurile, simple dar bine stapanite, si ritmurile fresh. Si simtul umorului, vital pentru orice trupa la inceput de drum (sa va zic ca Sepultura, la vremea lor, au inceput prin a canta pentru 3 oameni ? :)) In rest, sper sa mai auzim de Eloize, asta, bineinteles, daca ei isi propun.

vineri, 13 martie 2009

Shuffle it all !

Shuffle It All. Izzy stradlin - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Nu cu multa vreme in urma am scris despre Slash. Putina lume stie insa, la noi, de omul din umbra sa, cel caruia Guns N' Roses ii datoreaza o parte cel putin la fel de mare din succes: "vioara a doua", chitaristul ritmic Izzy Stradlin. Desi a fost autor si co-autor la multe din piesele de rezistenta ale trupei (Night Train, Patience, You could be mine, Don't Cry, etc), Izzy a preferat mereu sa isi pastreze aura de tip misterios, vorbind putin si facand mult. A fost primul membru care a parasit trupa de buna voie, in 1991, cu toate ca se aflau la apogeul carierei. Iar plecarea lui, desi fara prea multe blitz-uri si reportofoane, a insemnat practic inceputul sfarsitului pentru una din cele mai mari formatii din istoria rock-ului. Rascolind prin cutia mea cu vechituri, am dat peste acest mesaj simplu si transant: "Shuffle it all!" E atat de frumos cateodata sa te scuturi de tot si sa o iei de la inceput...

luni, 9 martie 2009


Ok, desi nu cred in conventii internationale si date calendaristice prestabilite pentru a celebra frumusetea, cred ca ar trebui sa ne rezervam, din cand in cand, cateva secunde, si sa le spunem: do you know, you're BEAUTIFUL !

marți, 3 martie 2009

Summer in Siam

Desi mai e mult pana la vara... o melodie absolut superba, care mie imi trezeste multe amintiri.

Thanks Garm.