"Life shouldn't be about sitting around staring at frosted glass. Life should be lived and that's all there is to it."
"I'm the biggest star this country has got, destroy me and you destroy the whole British film industry."
"Richard Burton was hitting the bottle with Jimmy Hurt the night before his death. He knew it was going to kill him, but he did not stop. I don't have a drink problem. But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop, I'd like to think I would be brave enough to drink myself into the grave."
"I believe that my woman shouldn't work outside the home. When I come home and I'm tired from filming all day, I expect her to be there and make sure that everything is cool for me. You know, like drawing my bath and helping me into bed. That's the kind of job she had and, in return for it, she can bear my children and if any man talks bad to her, I'll hit him."
"I also use women as a sex object. Maybe I'm kinky. However, I like to talk to them as well."
"I have two ambitions in life: one is to drink every pub dry, the other is to sleep with every woman on the planet."
"My only regret is that I didn't drink every pub dry and sleep with every woman on the planet."
Oliver Reed, 1937-1999
"I'm the biggest star this country has got, destroy me and you destroy the whole British film industry."
"Richard Burton was hitting the bottle with Jimmy Hurt the night before his death. He knew it was going to kill him, but he did not stop. I don't have a drink problem. But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop, I'd like to think I would be brave enough to drink myself into the grave."
"I believe that my woman shouldn't work outside the home. When I come home and I'm tired from filming all day, I expect her to be there and make sure that everything is cool for me. You know, like drawing my bath and helping me into bed. That's the kind of job she had and, in return for it, she can bear my children and if any man talks bad to her, I'll hit him."
"I also use women as a sex object. Maybe I'm kinky. However, I like to talk to them as well."
"I have two ambitions in life: one is to drink every pub dry, the other is to sleep with every woman on the planet."
"My only regret is that I didn't drink every pub dry and sleep with every woman on the planet."
Oliver Reed, 1937-1999
4 comentarii:
"20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
...Si care e parerea ta despre citatele astea? :)
Eu una... acum ceva vreme cred ca m-as fi simtit dezgustata. Acum, despre un astfel de om zic doar: e problema lui daca are atata nevoie sa evite si sa fuga, e pierderea lui daca ne vede doar ca pe niste obiecte sexuale. Eu una nu ma simt "turned on" de cineva care gandeste asa (si cred ca aici s-ar putea citi, la o adica, raspunsul la intrebarea lui "de ce nu m-am culcat cu toate femeile de pe pamant"; pentru ca au si ele un cuvant de spus... Ca mine acum).
Chiquita draga, nu pot sa spun ca ma regasesc in aceste citate, sau cel putin nu in totalitate (eu nu vreau sa ma culc cu TOATE femeile de pe pamant, stiu eu cateva exceptii cu care ar fi chiar contraindicat :D ) dar ma regasesc in fervoarea, in nebunia de a spune lucrurilor pe nume care razbate din aceste citate. Si bineinteles, in latura lor amuzanta. Sa nu-mi spui ca n-ai zambit macar citind unul dintre ele :)
O, da e adevarat ca am zambit. Doar ca nu sunt deloc de acord cu atitudinea si nu simt multa admiratie pt genul asta de judecata (care, dupa mine, nu e "a spune lucrurilor pe nume" - sau nu acelor lucruri esentiale, chiar greu de numit). De ce, adica, ar fi un curaj sa sfarsesti mai repede cu viata asta? Oare inca nu am inteles toti ca dovada cea mai mare de curaj pe care ne-o cere viata este - sa o traim?...
Inteleg si punctul tau de vedere, este un spirit vioi aici si care vorbeste fara menajamente. Dar ideile astea sunt depasite...
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